Cookie statement


Cookie statement

Our Cookie Statement is about cookies and how we use them, what type of cookies we use and what information we collect through them, and how that information is used and how you can manage your choices. For more information on the use, storage and use of your personal data, see our Privacy Statement. You can change your consent at any time on our site. Your consent refers to the domain:

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that store information. This information is stored on your device when it loads a web page in your browser. Cookies enable quality use of the website, make it more secure and ensure a better user experience. They help us better understand how the site works and where it needs to be improved.

How do we use cookies?

Like many services online, our website uses first and third party cookies for a number of reasons. First-party cookies are the most necessary for the operation of the website. They enable the site to work properly and do not collect any identifiable personal data. Third-party cookies used on our website are mainly used to determine how successful the website is, how you interact with our site, make our services secure, advertise relevant content to you and provide you with a better user experience and speed up your future interactions. with a page.

What cookies do we use?

Necessary cookies: These are cookies that enable the website to work properly and must be activated. They allow us to retain a user’s session and disable security threats. These cookies do not collect or store any personal data. Statistics: These cookies save information about the number of visitors, the number of unique visitors, which pages are most often visited, the source of the visits and the like. This data helps us understand and analyze how well the website is working and where it needs to be improved. Functional: These cookies allow us to function less necessary parts of the site, such as displaying video content or sharing content from our site. Selections: These cookies allow us to save your selected settings such as language settings so that you have a better user experience when using the site in the future.

How can I manage my cookie choices?

If you decide to change your choices in the future, you can select “Privacy and Cookies Statement” on your screen. This will open the consent question again and you will be able to change your selections here. Different browsers allow different ways of managing cookies. Read more about how to manage or delete cookies at:,